Monday, March 24, 2008

My first blog

This is my first blog. I wish to make it special and different.

To start with, what shall I blog about? Finger on my chin and a serious expression on my face I started thinking.

Shall I write about myself? But thats a usual start. Shall I tell about my first interview experience? No, that doesnt fit into a first blog. How about the topic 'Women's status in society'? Hello, this is not your school essay writing cotest. Shall I blog about blogging itself? Nah, that doesnt seem interesting.

Oh God! Give me a topic! Hey shall I speak about GOD? No, thats too complicated. Shall i start with a poem? But again I need a topic. Aargh! I never thought blogging is this difficult.

Idea! How about leaving this blog just 'blank'? Wont it make it different? Yes! Brilliant! I am sure nobody would have tried this. Oops! Hold on! But I have already blurted out so much. Hmm ok let this be called 'my first blog' then.